Landscape Exhibition
Open Doors Gallery
20 - 23 February 2020
Open Doors is delighted to announce our first exhibition of the year which will bring together a broad collection of landscape work. In the context of our obvious environmental challenges, it seems right to be highlighting the unique beauty & wonder we stand to lose. From Robin Friend‘s investigation of the frictions occurring as a result of mans impact on the landscape, to Maria Lax‘s absorbing images depicting peculiar happenings from the remote woodlands of Northern Finland… this is going to be a special event and we can’t wait to welcome you.
Open Doors
@odtakeovers x @odprintsales
List of artists that will exhibit in the exhibition
Megan Doherty
Robin Friend
Ian Howorth
Christophe Jacrot
Maria Lax
Arnaud Montagard
Francesco Romero
Jeremy Snell
Berber Theunissen
Kit Young