Love in London
Yi Qu
3 - 5 January 2022

Yi Qu is an illustrator in London. She has been working as a professional graphic designer for almost ten years since her graduation from Edinburgh College of Art.
Her illustrations are deeply influenced with multi-culturalism; in particular, she takes inspiration from her pastoral life during her childhood, multi-national living experience and commercial branding working experience in her 20s, and reclusive life that is close to nature in her 30s. In her recent artworks, she prefers using irregular lines and strokes that resemble constantly growing branches to express the sense of interspersed compositions. Such compositions are often intertwined with bold and vivid colours. These irregular lines are inspired by plants in nature that show a feeling of viable sprouts during spring. The natural vitality renders audience with nothing but relaxation and feelings of unconstraint.
When you gaze at her work, you can feel her elaborations are truly multi-dimensional. Within the illustration, she tries to pass on what she sees, what she hears, what she feels and what she connects to in mind. In the interview with Elle Men, she highlighted “I like to disrupt the order from the framed reality, and I am keen being more enthusiastic about constructing her logic and guidelines by using the saturated colour blocks, twisted lines and changeable shapes.”
Instagram: eachyiqu