The Way I See It
Michal Levin
15 November - 21 November 2023

An exhibition of paintings by a professional intuitive and mystic.
Teacher, author and artist Michal Levin is an intuitive and a mystic who has practised internationally for more than thirty years. She hasn't always painted and having fallen into artistry "almost by accident", she started painting visions, seascapes and landscapes, as well as channelled images from time to time. Her aim is to transmit the energy she offers to those she works with through her paintings, to penetrate another dimension. Michal offers what can be thought of as a “finer vibration”, that helps enable the viewer to penetrate another dimension of being, as well as to simply enjoy the paintings. The energy she reads and transmits in her intuitive work radiates from her paintings. For many, they are very powerful tools or “energy transmitters” that can even have an unusual, life-enhancing effect on the viewer.
Michal’s career began as a successful current affairs journalist, with little experience of the so-called spiritual environment. Later, after an entirely unsought dark night of the soul which she describes in her book The Pool of Memory: The Autobiography of An Unwilling Intuitive, she worked as a hands-on healer before progressing into her role as an intuitive and slowly acknowledging her path as a spiritual teacher and mentor. Over the years Michal has offered a wide range of teachings and currently leads a number of ongoing, in-depth groups. She also devised the LEAP Meditation, a form of Meditation that is very different to the widespread idea of meditation and ‘mindfulness’. The fundamental values that underpin Michal’s work include the importance of respecting difference, the nature of truth, and interconnection which ultimately binds all our fates together, and transcends any hierarchy or bid for supremacy. All this is present, in one way or another, in her paintings.
Michal will be at the gallery and glad to talk about this special collection, on Wednesday 15, Thursday 16, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 November. For more information, please contact
The images supplied are taken from larger images and are subject to Michal Levin’s copyright.